PRE-READ: I have always loved disaster novels. Lucifer's Hammer, The Stand, Earth Abides, The Taking, et al. always give me a shiver. I'm really looking forward to this book. I enjoyed Jurassic Park, but thought Airframe was so-so. I guess we'll see what MC brings this time. I also want to note I'm saddened by his passing; the world is always a worser (I know. . . ) place without good writers. On another note, I always enjoy reading "older" books; It's neat to see what cutting edge was considered at the time of publication. (in this case, 1969). Grab an older Robin Cook book, and see what we've done with medicine since publication.
Makes you pine for the "good 'ol days"
FIRST IMPRESSION: I thought it would be more of a linear story, but it reads more like an AAR. (After Action Review, for you non-Tom Clancy worms). Unless some really cool stuff happens, I can't see this being a gotta have in 1st Edition HB.
A decent read, and I'm sure it was good for the times. But in '09, It didn't do it for me. One thing i found interesting, though, was the reference to fiberoptics at one point in the story. Did they have FO in 1969? Wow! The computer "graphic" tripped me out, a little; they look like ASCII drawings. Another thing that bothered me was the constant foreshadowing. A little is good, if it's subtle (hats off to you, Robert Jordan!) but every other chapter, umm. .. no. This is the second book in the last couple of months that i've read (Prank Night, by David Robbins) is the other.) that heavily forshadows.
I think I'll trade this one back in. And i doubt I'll watch the movie, either!.